ROC: Beyond Sensitivity and Specificity?

The Wise son:

We already explained the importance of accuracy measures in evaluation of a diagnostic test. See here. The key measures we have described were:

Sensitivity - the ability to detect the ill people correctly
Specificity - the ability to detect the healthy people correctly

The problem is that for a given population, not only the two measures depend on each other in a non-parametric fashion, they also depend on the cutoff of our continuous diagnostic measure. To make a point, for a given three different tests evaluated against the same gold-standard reference and on the same population, one could manipulate the tests’ cutoff point to obtain a favorable sensitivity. This is of course, on the cost of lower specificity. To overcome this gap, we borrow here the signal-detection approach which proposes to select the test with the highest Area under the Receiver Operating Curve (AUC of ROC). This Area is obtained by plotting the sensitivity versus 1-specificity for each possible cutpoint of the diagnostic-test. Thus, the ROC provides a measure which is free of the cutoff point.
So, brothers, could you help me introduce the ROC and its advantages?

The Simple son:

From what I know, the ROC curve is displayed in a 2D plane, where the test-results are plotted over all possible sensitivity-specificity points, each falling within the 0-1 range. This 2D plane actually describes the entire give-and-take between the specificity and a sensitivity for each possible cutoff point. 

Here is a little diagram I prepared with three tests. You can see that the green test has the best ROC as its AUC is the largest. 

and here is the R code I used in preparing the plot.

plot.roc(Dat$grp,Dat$PS_1, col="red",print.auc=TRUE, print.auc.y=0.5,smooth=T)
plot.roc(Dat$grp,Dat$PS_2,col="orange", add=TRUE,print.auc=TRUE,print.auc.y=0.45,smooth=T)
plot.roc(Dat$grp,Dat$PS_3,col="darkgreen", add=TRUE,print.auc=TRUE,print.auc.y=0.4,smooth=T)

Just remember, when dealing with ROC, we are no longer using the test unit, and as a rule of thumb i’ll say that:

AUC > 0.9 is very good
AUC > 0.8 is good
AUC < 0.7 is poor
and AUC of 0.5 is like tossing a coin- has no diagnostic value

You can play with it by yourself.

The Wicked son:

OK I played with it, but it started being boring. Maybe a more interesting play will be to test which ROC is statistically the best one. Can you come up with such a test? Once I find the best test I will be able to decide on the best cutoff point too.

And by the way, why the hell is the specificity displayed backward?

The Simple son:

As for your first question, I usually use the DeLong’s test. It is a non-parametric test which requires calculation of empirical AUCs, AUC variances, and AUC covariance.

You can also look for the confidence intervals of the curves and see if they overlap: in our example, the tests PS_1 and PS_2 are overlapped and therefore not statistically different. But PS_3 has no overlap and may be considered statistically significant different from the other two tests.

As for your second question, the x-axis of ROC represents the 1-specificity, which can also be represented as specificity displayed backward. This is the rate of false positives among all cases that should be negative (FP / (FP + TN)). With the x-axis as 1-specificity, as you move along the ROC curve (from bottom-left to top-right), you get more true positives (sensitivity) but this is on the cost of having more false positives (1-specificity). Also, if you plot specificity on the X-axis starting from 0 to 1, you will end up with a left facing curve, and the meaning of the area under the curve will be lost.

And this is the code:

roc.list <- roc(grp ~ PS_1 + PS_2 + PS_3, data = Dat)
ci.list <- lapply(roc.list,, specificities = seq(0, 1, l = 25)) <- lapply(ci.list, function(ciobj)
data.frame(x = as.numeric(rownames(ciobj)),
lower = ciobj[, 1],
upper = ciobj[, 3]))

p <- ggroc(roc.list) + theme_minimal() + geom_abline(slope=1, intercept = 1, linetype = "dashed", alpha=0.7, color = "grey") + coord_equal()

for(i in 1:3) {
p <- p + geom_ribbon(
data =[[i]],
aes(x = x, ymin = lower, ymax = upper),
fill = i + 1,
alpha = 0.2,
inherit.aes = F)

#add p value (Delong):
test_1 <- pROC::roc.test(roc(grp ~ PS_1, data = Dat),
roc(grp ~ PS_2, data = Dat),
test_2 <- pROC::roc.test(roc(grp ~ PS_1, data = Dat),
roc(grp ~ PS_3, data = Dat),
test_3 <- pROC::roc.test(roc(grp ~ PS_2, data = Dat),
roc(grp ~ PS_3, data = Dat),
text_for_roc <- paste0("P values from DeLong's test:",
"\n PS_1 versus PS_2: ", round(test_1$p.value, 3),
"\n PS_1 versus PS_3: <0.001 ", #round(test_2$p.value, 4),
"\n PS_2 versus PS_3: <0.001" #round(test_3$p.value, 4)

p + annotate("text", 0.35, 0.25, label =text_for_roc) + theme(legend.title = element_blank())

And by the way, in the first diagram you see the smooth theoretical ROC, but in the second diagram I decided you better see the actual observed ROC which is a unique curve of each different test.

He who couldn’t ask:

Yo, guys! Does anybody know where ROC got its name? It goes back to World War II, when they needed to test the ability of radar operators (receivers) to find out whether a blip on the radar screen represented an object or a non-object, meaning – true positive (TP) or true negative (TN) result.

And even more important - did you know that DeLong is a woman? Elizabeth Ray DeLong! Oh, I’m honored to have you on our blog!



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Tal has over 5 years of experience of consulting researchers on a variety of biomedical research including cardiology, internal medicine and infectious disease.  As a biostatistician, she is engaged in study life cycle from planning throughout the statistical analysis and up to publication.  She also took part in big-data analysis as part of evaluating Hospital databases.  Tal has served as a clinical trials’ statistician for number of studies.  She is an R programmer and has been teaching short courses of applied biostatistics with R in Tel-Aviv university and Ono Academic College.

Dina has a strong background in statistics and a high level of data analytics abilities.  She has over 5 years of experience in applied biostatistics.  Dina holds an M.A. in Biostatistics and a B.A in statistics both from the Hebrew University.

Ronit manages all of IntegiStat's administrative affairs. She has experience in office management in general and specifically in the health sciences, and is certified in accounting and law.

Diklah founded and heads IntegriStat. She has extensive experience in managing diverse data projects of all sizes. Diklah has extensive experience in providing support to companies running clinical trials to validate their product for regulatory clearance including FDA and EMA.

Her professional experience also includes: statistician at West Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute; establishment of a statistical service at Wolfson Medical Center, Holon; lead biostatistician at a number of biotech startups.

Diklah is the author or coauthor of more than 50 scientific publications. Diklah has a B.Sc. in Statistics from University of Haifa; an M.Sc. in Biostatistics from the Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh; a Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation degree from ISEMI, Swinburne University of Technology; and Ph.D. in Biostatistics from Ben Gurion University of the Negev.