Hello, I’m the Wise son, nice to meet you all. We are the four sons from the Jewish Passover Haggadah. We all love statistical discussions, who doesn’t? and here we have the right space to debate data analytic topics from different points of view.
Me, I am the Simple son, don’t make it sound too complicated, Wise. We are here just to talk about different elementary issues, that’s all.
KISS - Keep it simple and short.
Hi, they call me the Wicked son. Don't be all hypocrites. I'll tell you the real reason that we are here: It is to increase traffic to IntegriStat website, don’t try to make it sound so sophisticated.
Ammm... I don’t know if I’m in the right place. I’m the son who couldn’t ask, I’m not very good with questions or answers as I feel that you all know much more than I do. It is embarrassing to say that I have actually failed statistics 101. So, I am here to offer comfort to people feeling like I do. Today, I can give you some of my grandma’s tasty apple shtrudel, it goes well with any statistical toppings, oops topics!